Frequently Asked Questions
About Company Information
When was the company established?
September 8, 1999.
Where can I find information about the company's history?
You can view it here.
What products does the company offer?
We provide various Internet infrastructure-related products, including Domain, Cloud & Rental Server (Hosting), and Internet Service Provider (ISP). Additionally, we offer a wide range of Internet advertising services, including listing ads, social ads, affiliate marketing, SSP, and media management.
Where can I find information about the company's executives?
You can view the current executive structure here.
About Financials and Business Performance
When is the company's fiscal year-end?
Our fiscal year-end is in December each year. Business performance is announced quarterly.
Where can I find the latest financial results?
You can find the latest financial results here.
Where can I find the securities reports and quarterly reports?
You can find the securities reports and quarterly reports here.
About Shares and Dividends
What is the stock code?
When was the company listed?
September 5, 2000. The company was listed on the Osaka Securities Exchange NASDAQ Japan (now Tokyo Stock Exchange Standard Market) just 364 days after its establishment.
When was the company listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market?
January 1, 2025.
What is the stock trading unit?
What stock splits have been conducted since listing?
We recognize the importance of maintaining an appropriate investment unit size to improve stock liquidity and expand our individual investor base.
Below is the history of our stock splits:
・August 20, 2001: 2-for-1 stock split
・February 20, 2004: 5-for-1 stock split
・December 1, 2013: 200-for-1 stock split
What is the company's policy on profit distribution?
Our basic policy is to maintain stable dividends while targeting a payout ratio of 50%, considering business expansion and strengthening our corporate foundation.
When are the record dates for dividend payments?
Q1: March 31
Q2: June 30
Q3: September 30
Year-end: December 31
Although we have no record of quarterly dividends, we have been paying year-end dividends since FY2003 (5th term).
How can I process stock-related administrative procedures, such as name changes?
These procedures are handled by our shareholder registry administrator, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank. For details, please contact Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank's Securities Agency Department (Tel: 0120-782-031).
Investor Relations